Behaviour Change

Do Something Different:

Go for a walk and take photos of what you see * Pick up some litter * Sing with your granny *  Go explore by the water * Smile at a policeman * Buy an unusual magazine and read itChange radio channels * Let another person choose from the menu for you * Get on a bus and see where it takes youWear odd socks for a day * Contact a long lost friend * Read a different newspaperDance under the stars * Give a gift, without expecting to receive * Get a temporary tattoo and wear it somewhere visible * Sleep on the other side (or end) of the bed * Pick CDs at random and play track 8 * Buy something from a joke shopGo barefoot * Turn up at the cinema and watch the next film that’s starting * Open a book at random and read page 33Start volunteering *


Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting to get a different result.  Many people are keen to improve their lives and the message is simple, if you want to get something different you have to do something different.

“When I first found out about Do Something Different, I was feeling stuck in a rut. On paper, I should have been feeling very fulfilled but I wanted something to change. I didn’t know what that was or even how to begin making changes anyway. Do Something Different appealed as it advocated trying one new thing each day, something which to me felt achievable. The challenges were often simple yet they forced me to break my routine and I had to make a concerted effort, every single day, to do something completely differently. From reading a different newspaper to tracking every penny I spent, each daily task made me feel more in control of what I do with my time, my life. And this in turn made me realise that making changes isn’t all that hard, actually. I’m now studying for a degree, not to further my career, purely for me, and I’m sure Do Something Different helped me make this decision by giving me more confidence to make changes.”

Lesley Singleton, freelance PR consultant.

For more detail Download The Do Something Different Behaviour Change Programme Paper to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee.

You can follow DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT tweets on Twitter @OneDoAtATime


Watch the video below to see Ben and I doing something different!